Monday, February 4, 2008

Thomas makes everything better

My son has become obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. This train-love is all new to me since our May had absolutely no interest in Thomas as a toddler. I try to believe that boys and girls can enjoy the same activities. I try not to sway my girl child towards dolls and pink and I try to encourage my boy child to explore a world other than trains and trucks. It's almost instinctual in some regards. The 1st time he saw a train set, Ben was absolutely captivated. Why?? I have no clue. What is it about trains and trucks that is so appealing. I guess they're both very large and noisy - something my son strives for everyday. Right now the kids are watching a Thomas video. It allows me to type a short blog entry.

I heard complaints in the next room. My break-time is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogosphere! :-)